2024 Greenlights

last post 2024-11-28
  [Main] HOA finds a new way to screw over homeowners by doubling the cost of electricity for neighborhood EV charging stations (3 of 28)
(Atlanta Black Star)
last post 2024-11-26
  [Entertainment] The queen of rock 'n' roll took life advice from Cher, proving that sometimes divas help divas escape disasters (2 of 33)
(Fox News)
last post 2024-11-26
  [Food] 35% of Americans are turned off by turkey. All right then (6 of 77)
last post 2024-11-26
  "I want a ridiculously huge gun." "How about the 600 Nitro Express elephant rifle?" "I guess that's pretty big, but can you make it a pistol instead?" (3 of 5)
last post 2024-11-25
  Last week: "Trump's cabinet is too white." This week: "Trump's racist for nominating a black man to oversee HUD" (1 of 8)
(Daily Wire)
last post 2024-11-23
  It does take a lot of guts to whine about your employer giving everyone free Chick Fil A sandwiches for lunch. OTOH, it takes a complete lack of guts for your employer to apologize profusely and promise to never do anything nice for you ever again (2 of 12)
last post 2024-11-22
  [Politics] ANGH, indefinitely (4 of 329)
last post 2024-11-22
  [Politics] By any measure, Biden's economy was a success story that should have propelled Harris into office. So what happened? Well, basically, economic facts are complicated, Americans are stupid, and Republicans lie better than Democrats tell the truth (2 of 324)
last post 2024-11-22
  You get kidnapped but they return you 2 hours later because you won't shut up about _____________. Show your work (1 of 12)
last post 2024-11-22
  When NBC sells MSNBC, they'll have to change their name since it won't be associated with NBC anymore. What should the new name be? Rise up and be heard, TFers; this is our time. It's up to us to make the new name epic (2 of 6)
(Vanity Fair)
last post 2024-11-22
  Photoshop "Morning Joe" in happier, and cringier, times (1 of 3)
last post 2024-11-21
  Rosie O'Donnell is very upset that Joe and Mika went to visit Trump; vows to never watch Morning Joe again. In related news, Morning Joe staff heard screaming and rending their garments and gnashing their teeth, a–wait, this just in: No one cares (1 of 1)
last post 2024-11-21
  [Politics] Article on people explaining why they cut off family members and friends after Trump's election win. This is not about politics. This is about human decency and basic morality (1 of 292)
(Live Dog Productions)
last post 2024-11-21
  [Food] Cast iron biscuits–the ONLY way to biscuit (1 of 37)
(AP News)
last post 2024-11-19
  [Main] Ever wonder why it seems like 20 percent of Americans are irredeemable idiots? Here you go (2 of 95)
(On This Day)
last post 2024-11-19
  [Discussion] I was born today in 1962. Lots of other stuff happened in 1962, but when I was a kid I thought that if I was born in 1962, when I turned 62 something would happen. Something… amazing? Awesome? Cool? Epic? I dunno. Happy '62 for whoever. 🙂 (1 of 24)
last post 2024-11-19
  Election Meltdowns II: Metal Boogaloo (1 of 2)
(The Hill)
last post 2024-11-19
  [Politics] Old white man yells at cloud about identity politics (5 of 378)
36 posts mentioning or quoting you in last 15 days:
(show 180 days)
last post 2024-12-03
  [Politics] Blame Big Food for Ratfark Jr's rise to power. Not, you know, the brogressives, antivax idiots, and "natural health" morons who support his entire belief system (5 of 275)
last post 2024-12-02
  [Politics] The media just can't get over its deep, all-consuming, body-trembling concern over the fact that Joe Biden pardoned Hunter Biden despite saying he wouldn't. How could he do this, lie to us like that? What does it all mean? Hold me (9 of 559)
(NBC News)
last post 2024-12-02
  [Politics] If you're an unmarried gay couple in America right now, you might want to schedule that wedding before January (2 of 199)
last post 2024-11-30
  [Main] Tim Walz goes right back to being Minnesotaʻs dad, showing people how to plug things in correctly (3 of 23)
(Fox News)
last post 2024-11-26
  [Food] 35% of Americans are turned off by turkey. All right then (4 of 77)
last post 2024-11-26
  "I want a ridiculously huge gun." "How about the 600 Nitro Express elephant rifle?" "I guess that's pretty big, but can you make it a pistol instead?" (1 of 5)
(Atlanta Black Star)
last post 2024-11-25
  [Entertainment] The queen of rock 'n' roll took life advice from Cher, proving that sometimes divas help divas escape disasters (2 of 33)
last post 2024-11-22
  [Politics] ANGH, indefinitely (4 of 329)
last post 2024-11-22
  [Politics] By any measure, Biden's economy was a success story that should have propelled Harris into office. So what happened? Well, basically, economic facts are complicated, Americans are stupid, and Republicans lie better than Democrats tell the truth (2 of 324)
(Daily Wire)
last post 2024-11-22
  It does take a lot of guts to whine about your employer giving everyone free Chick Fil A sandwiches for lunch. OTOH, it takes a complete lack of guts for your employer to apologize profusely and promise to never do anything nice for you ever again (1 of 12)
(Live Dog Productions)
last post 2024-11-21
  [Food] Cast iron biscuits–the ONLY way to biscuit (1 of 37)
(The Hill)
last post 2024-11-19
  [Politics] Old white man yells at cloud about identity politics (2 of 378)
Most recent 248 links approved in last 720 days:
  [Main] HOA finds a new way to screw over homeowners by doubling the cost of electricity for neighborhood EV charging stations (28)
(Fox News)
  [Food] 35% of Americans are turned off by turkey. All right then (77)
(Live Dog Productions)
  [Food] Cast iron biscuits–the ONLY way to biscuit (37)
(On This Day)
  [Discussion] I was born today in 1962. Lots of other stuff happened in 1962, but when I was a kid I thought that if I was born in 1962, when I turned 62 something would happen. Something… amazing? Awesome? Cool? Epic? I dunno. Happy '62 for whoever. 🙂 (24)
(Some Guy)
  [Main] You've heard of Elf on a Shelf; now get ready for ________ on a __________. LGT example (67)
(Live Dog Productions)
  [Food] This is the most amazing dessert you've ever tasted, or my name isn't Svårgên Lütefîsk Løki Vîn Ümlaut Du Kömmer Att Assimileras of Børg (19)
  [Politics] Old and busted: Malkovich Malkovich? Malkovich, Malkovich." New hotness: "Donald Trump. Donald Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump (72)
  [STEM] You know those 12-foot skeletons that are so popular? You've wondered what would happen if you got one and stuffed a giant rocket motor up its butt, haven't you? Sure you have. Click here to see what did happen (32)
(Some Guy)
  [Discussion] Fark Foodies: When you make pizza with sliced mushrooms, do you cook the mushrooms first, like you do with meats—maybe sautee them with butter— or just add them raw and let them heat up with the pizza, like most veggies? (33)
  [Food] You've always wondered if a cow would be a good sous chef, haven't you? Of course you have (12)
  [Food] Minecraft burger (30)
  [Main] Police: "Tell us what happened." Mexican hotel staff: "Well, there was a food fight in the lobby, and then we found a dead guy on a luggage trolley in the bathroom." Surprisingly, the dead guy's family in demanding a little more info (15)
(Live Dog Productions)
Hero [Food] Meatloaf casserole: The ultimate comfort food (12)
(Some Guy)
  [Main] Latest fitness equipment: 22-pound coffee mugs (98)
  [D’awww] The Mlems, The Sigh, The Dinosaur, The Awoos, and The Snoring (16)
(KPTV Portland)
  [Main] Man steals an ambulance to go to court on time to face a previous stolen vehicle charge (11)
  [Discussion] You're partying at a friend's; there's music and people dancing and talking loudly. You're talking to a friend when the music and noise and people talking all stop at the same time. What do you yell at your friend before you realize the room's quiet? (54)
  [Politics] 60 Minutes didn't like Kamala's answer to one of the interview questions, so they inserted an answer they liked better from elsewhere in the interview (133)
  [Discussion] Replace the word "girl" in a song, TV show, book, or movie title with the word "squirrel". E.g. The Squirrel With the Dragon Tattoo (92)
(FB Photos)
  [Main] Photoshop this Keep Out sign (14)
  [D’awww] How the heck does a baby giraffe climb up on his mom's back anyway? (6)
(Live Dog Productions)
  [Food] Easy-peasy pizza dough: Only needs to rise for 30 minutes, so from start to finish you'll have hot pizza on the table in less than an hour (56)
  [Food] How to cook marshmallows with a bubble (5)
(FB Photos)
  [Main] Photoshop this ancient statue's head (31)
  [Main] Photoshop these eyebrows (15)
(CTV News)
  [Main] If you want to publish Photoshops of your house, you're more than welcome to do so on Fark. If you're a realtor and want to publish Photoshops of your listings on your website, not so much (38)
(Live Dog Productions)
  [Food] If, like all right-thinking folks, you loved Subway's sweet onion sauce and were sad to see it go, this recipe's for you (13)
(Some Guy)
  [Discussion] Share your top 5 or 10 favorite ringtones and/or alert sounds. LGT subby's entire collection (32)
  [Main] Theme: Elon Musk buys Fark (45)
  [Discussion] If you could telepathically say something to all 7.8 billion people on Earth all at the same time, what would you say? Difficulty: Your telepathy has no language barriers (47)
  [Discussion] List 10 movie scenes you've watched over and over (117)
  [Food] Rutt's Hut: Serving deep-fried hot dogs since 1928 (10)
Hero [D’awww] A man finds a tiny abandoned baby monkey in the rain and takes it home, where it's really dusty (12)
(The Drive)
  [STEM] In 2015, BMW unveiled gesture control: Controls you could use not by touching them, but by gesturing at them. It was a dismal failure for two reasons: 1. It was a dumbass idea, and 2. The only gesture people use in cars is flipping the bird (14)
  [Fandom] What's a destination BETTER than Disneyland? The place where dreams can come true; where anything your heart desires is possible; where no wish stays unfulfilled? Harbor Freight, of course (23)
(Star Wars)
  [Discussion] Quote a line from Star Wars, but replace one word with the word "coffee" (145)
(Some Guy)
  [Main] Every year pumpkin spice worship starts earlier and gets stupider and weirder, so it's time for one of Fark's most beloved annual fall traditions: Photoshop ridiculous pumpkin spice ideas LGT inspiration (new, original Photoshops only, please) (30)
(Some Guy)
  [Main] Photoshop these nut shakers (12)
  [Discussion] Write the shortest possible sentence summarizing a book or move, e.g. "Moby Dick: A one-legged man goes fishing," or "The Bible: God creates the heavens and the earth, then later destroys them"
  [Fandom] Top 20 Worst Superzero Movies. No, that wasn't a typo. Yes, the list includes that movie you hated. Yeah; that one too. And that other one. And also—just watch the video, loser
  [Fandom] Hey, remember the Six Million Dollar Man franchise? You know, with Lee Majors, and Sandra Bullock, and Lindsey Wagner, and–wait, back up one
  [Fandom] Okay, here it is: Ever heard of Steve Austin? Are you sure? Try this: "Bitttitiiititideen…." How about now?
  [Discussion] When I sneeze I go "ackPMPFFFF." My wife goes "yeahCHOOMF." My daughter goes "the BISHOP" and my son "yumHITTT." The dogs, on the other hand, both go "snzzzzBLBLBL." How do you sneeze?
(Sky Sports)
  [Sports] Red Bull gives you nothing
(FB Photos)
  [Main] Photoshop this Grinchy vegetable
  [Main] Photoshop alternate things these pills do
  [Discussion] Post song titles or lyrics we'd see if the Beatles were reptiles, e.g., "Iguana Hold Your Hand"
  [STEM] "Would you ditch a smartphone for a 'dumbphone'?" I dunno; lemme ask Siri
  [Fandom] Fully functional 1966 Batmobile is fully functional. All the Bat-Things WORK: Ejector seat; flamethrower; rockets; drag chutes that also retract; Bat-Ray; smokescreen; steering wheel-controlled guns with bullets; much more. I'll be in my bunk
  [Discussion] In Hell you'll be surrounded by people who say "Ekspecially" and "Irregardless." What else will they say to torment you?
  [Main] Photoshop the Fark Threat Level Advisory System
(FB Photos)
  [Main] Photoshop this petrified pizza
  [STEM] Supersonic Nerf Blaster. Wait; surely you can't mean SUPERSONIC Nerf Blaster. I do mean Supersonic Nerf Blaster. And don't call me Shirley
(Live Dog Productions)
  [Food] Thin Mint cookies only go on sale once a year. If you're jonesin' for them year-round, this recipe's for you
(Live Dog Productions)
  [Food] If you like breakfast potatoes you've probably seasoned them with Lowry's seasoned salt or something similar. Try this recipe and you'l never to back. Delicious on all things spud
  [D’awww] Attack speed: 5,000%. Damage: 0.001%
(The Oatmeal)
  [Discussion] How to be a writer. Agree/disagree? Show your work
  [Discussion] Mash up at least two opening lines in famous books. Example "In a hole in the ground lived a hobbit. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move"
  [Discussion] TFer IT-types: What TV-movie jargon drives you insane about how IT equipment actually works in real life? LGT subby's
  [Discussion] Make a band edible. E.g., Bon Bon Jovi, Fleetwood Mac & Cheese
(FB Photos)
  [Main] Photoshop this provocative door handle
  [Discussion] Let's hear your story about a radically inaccurate communication breakdown leading to potentially fatal misunderstanding and/or embarrassment. LGT subby's (mildly, VERY mildly, nsfw)
  [Discussion] Ruin a band's name by changing one letter, e.g. Codsmack, Nine Itch Nails
(Boing Boing)
  [STEM] Meet the Pixelbot 3000, an AI robot that builds stuff with Legos. They finally found something useful for AI to do
  [Discussion] Slept in my ____________ t-shirt and woke up ____________. E.g., Slept in my Prince t-shirt and woke up in 1999, Slept in my Eagles t-shirt and woke up Hotel California
  [Discussion] Remove one letter from the title of a book, movie, or TV series, then summarize its new plot. E.g., Forrest Ump: A developmentally challenged man finds a career in major league baseball
Hero [Main] As dads, we know our primary duties are to A: Drive our children insane, and B: Fatally embarrass them as often as possible. LGT one of my favorite methods; let's hear yours. Tag is for all of us unsung dad heroes
  [Main] Photoshop this face
  [STEM] Here's how to turn 50 pounds of copper wire into a bronze guitar. You know, just in case you have 50 pounds of copper lying around and you want to play a guitar that will break your back
(Live Dog Productions)
  [Food] Bubble & Squeak: Sails right past "Oh I say" and "Wot's all this then?" and approaches Terry-Thomas levels of sheer Britishness
(My Modern Metropolis)
  [Fandom] Want a Vincent Van Gogh action figure with removable ear and bandages? $29.99 and it's yours
  [Entertainment] New Beavis & Butthead episodes coming to Comedy Central in July. Uh huh-huhuhuh eh-huh heh huhuhuh–subby said "coming." Uh huh-huhuhuh
  [STEM] When was the acronym OMG first used, and by whom? Difficulty: There's absolutely no way you know this without looking it up
  [Discussion] Tell us a thing no one ever said in 1970s. Example: "I lost my phone"
  [Discussion] Hey ladies: Want to stop men from hitting on you at the gym? It's easy: Just get pregnant. With twins. Or you could marry that Rex Kwon Do guy
(Live Dog Productions)
  [Food] Cowboy bacon beans: If you just finished a hedonistic 4,000-calorie Thanksgiving dinner and someone put a bowl of this in front of you, you'd snarf it down like a starving coyote
  [Discussion] What, if any, difference is there between a guy, fella, fellow, lad, chap, dude, bro, bloke, boss, chum, buddy, mate, pal, chief, bud, man, homie, sport, champ, amigo, comrade, dawg, kiddo, bub, son, boy, gent, or tawpie? Show your work
(Live Dog Productions)
Hero [Food] Bacon, onion and spud packets
  [Main] Australian man threatened with $10,000 fine after neighbor complains about him running his air conditioner. Man, with Steve Irwin gone the whole country's turning into an HOA
  [Main] After a Chinese man disappeared on a hike, search and rescue teams never found him, although they did find a pair of sweatpants tied to a tree full of human bones
(Some Guy)
  [Food] If you're in New York, visit the Cheez-In Diner, where everything on the menu is made with Cheez-Its: Cheezy Chicky Tendies, Sweet-N-Salty Cheezcake with a Cheez-It pie crust and topped with caramel and Extra Big Cheez-Its, or a Cheez-It milkshake
  [STEM] Behold the AK-50. It's like the AK-47, but more. If someone said "How much more AK could this get?" you'd say "None. That's all the AK. You can't get any AKer." But I'd say, "Three. Three AK more"
  [Discussion] What is Mel Brooks' greatest film? Show your work
  [Discussion] Dear Slate: My girlfriend got a burger on her way home and I ate it while she was in the shower. All she could scrounge up was some rice with mayonnaise on it and she's mad at me. What's the big deal? It was just a joke (wait–rice with MAYO on it?)
(Some Guy)
  [Food] Anybody here ever cooked a tomahawk steak? Is it worth the (hefty) price? Does it live up to the hype? Got any advice? Thoughts and prayers?
  [STEM] "Video Of Waymo's Robotaxi Driving In Oncoming Lane Gets The Attention Of The Feds." Yeah; that would do it
  [Food] I don't like how my cast iron skillet is all black so I'm gonna polish iat till it's all bright and shiny
(Live Dog Productions)
Hero [Food] If you've heard Red Lobster is closing down a lot of locations and you don't know where you're gonna get your cheddar biscuit fix, don't panic–I gotcha fixed uip
  [Fandom] William Marston, who created Wonder Woman, was inspired to add bulletproof bracelets to her costume because one of the women he lived with always wore a pair of kinky heavy cuff bracelets. So he had that going for him. Which was nice (sfw)
(WJAC TV Johnstown)
  [Main] "Woman found dead accused estranged husband, pastor, of 'grooming' her at church." So dead women DO tell tales
  [Main] Photoshop this little choir
(Live Dog Productions)
  [Food] Cappuccino fudge: don't be surprised if you hear a heavenly choir when you taste it
  [Entertainment] I'll see your Peanuts sing "Foreplay: Long Time" video and raise you a Peanuts sing "Love Shack" video
  [Entertainment] And here's "Foreplay: Long Time" by the children of Peanuts, or as their parents call it, "Wah oo Wahh uh Wah Waaaah"
  [Main] "Homeless man under house arrest." How?
  [Discussion] Things your boss says that make you realize you're about to be fired. Show your work
(CBS 12 West Palm Beach)
  [Politics] Minnesota State Senator, who promotes safe neighborhoods and gun control, arrested for home invasion and burglary
(Law and Crime)
  [Main] Today's MadLibs headline: "U.S. Customs and Border Protection employee admittedly had gravedigger half-brother strangle wife and young mom with seat belt inside SUV before texting cover-up failed"
(Live Dog Productions)
  [Food] Vinegan: someone who doesn't like vinegar. If you're a Vinegan, this pickle recipe's for you
  [Sports] No, Vikings stadium is not removing all meat and dairy products from its concession stands. It's the Minnesota Vikings, not the Minnesota Vegans
  [Discussion] Adult Calvinball: Two guys wearing masks that look like aliens eating frogs take turns snapping each other's nipples with giant rubber bands (sfw, but ouch)
  [STEM] Things you learn while restoring a 20,000-year-old $7500 mammoth tusk: When you first get it, it smells like a freezer full of rotting meat
  [Food] Casu Marzu is a cheese containing live maggots. The maggots can jump up to 5 inches, so it's a good idea to shield your eyes to keep maggots from jumping into your eyes. Yum
(Some Guy)
  [Main] Photoshop Challenge: What does Drew see when he logs in to Fark?
  [Discussion] A murder of crows, a clowder of cats, a pod of whales, a pride of lions, and a ______________ of TotalFarkers. Show your work
  [Discussion] I am [your Fark handle], Lord/Lady of [predictive text]. Bringer of [predictive text] and [predictive text]. Fear me, for I am [predictive text]
  [Food] Distilling Mountain Dew to ACTUALLY Do the Dew
  [D’awww] You know sometimes you run a human interest story about someone rescuing an orphaned baby hedgehog that turns out to be a pom-pom on somebody's hat? I hate it when that happens
  [Discussion] What's your favorite vanity license plate? LGT one of subby's
  [Discussion] Have you [predictive text]? You may be entitled to compensation
  [Discussion] Your best guess as to what's coming to the button on the top right of Fark that says "SOON (soon)" when you click it
(Live Dog Productions)
  [Food] Spider-Man approved cheese enchiladas
(KSNT Topeka)
  [Main] KS Farkers: Tornadoes on the ground in Maple Hill and Roseville, headed northeast at 15mph. Don't wait till you see a tornado (you won't at night). Get sheltered and sound off when you're safe
  [Main] Photoshop these wrenches
  [Main] I'm 61 years old and I've never ever chosen a pair of jeans based on whether I can stuff a whole gallon of milk in them
(FB Photos)
  [Main] Photoshop this skin laundry
  [Food] Layers. We're gonna make a 20-layer grilled cheese, a 30-layer crepe cake, a 50-layer potato pavè, and a 100-layer lasagna. Layers, man. LAYERS
(Some Guy)
  [Food] I can't decide if I don't want to live on this planet anymore or if this is why we can't have nice things. Maybe both?
  [Fandom] Yo, Imma let you finish, but ____________ is the greatest movie monster reveal of all time–OF ALL TIME (lgt subby's)
Hero [Food] I know every way they is to make spuds. They's 43 of 'em. They's baked spuds, twice-baked spuds, spud skins, duchess spuds, smoked spuds; they's searzall, hasselback spuds, spuds pavé, fondant spuds; they's tandoor spuds, latke spuds, spuds dauphine
  [STEM] Q: Can we kill this mannequin if we fill a pressure cooker with mayonnaise and shoot it with a high-powered rifle? A: Yes, especially if the mannequin is standing behind the pressure cooker so it gets shot too
  [Discussion] In Men in Black, Laurel (the medical examiner) says, "You know what I like to do (here in the morgue) sometimes when it's really late?" J says, "No," and she starts to answer but they get interrupted. What was she about to say? Show your work, please
(Some Guy)
  [Food] Burger King will pay $1 million for the best new Whopper idea. Submitter votes renaming it Greasy McGreasyface; how about you?
  [Entertainment] If you're wondering why the Barbie movie got only 8 Oscar nominations, it's because The Lego movie back in 2014 said everyone should create whatever they want with Legos but Target doesn't sell basic starter sets. Or something like that
(Some Guy)
  [STEM] Meet Sans Forgetica, a font that's specially designed to make it harder to forget things you've read, which it does by making things you read harder to read. No, really
  [Discussion] Protip: Don't keep canisters of sugar and baking soda next to each other on the counter, lest you get a rude surprise with your first coffee of the day. Not as bad as Rid-O-Rat, but still yucky. What protip have YOU learned the hard way?
(AP News)
  [Main] Texas Governor skydives for the first time with 106-year-old WWII vet Al Blaschke, who already knew how to skydive
(Some Guy)
  [Politics] What names would be on your 2024 Dream Ticket?
  [Discussion] I put my WWJD bracelet on upside down and now it says PRMM. What does THAT stand for?
  [Fandom] Famous memes then and now: DL;DR: Cha-CHING. Full version: Success kid: New kidney. Bad Luck Brian: Marketing deal$. Overly Attached Girlfriend: $411K. Disaster Girl: $486K. Charlie Bit My Finger: $760K. Star Wars Kid: Out of court settlement
  [Discussion] "Every night before food once daily to be taken four times a day three times a day every three times daily take one take two take three one or two." How many pills will you be taking every day? Show your work
  [STEM] Would you survive if Jupiter collided with Earth? Here's the fa—wait; cut. Really? Does anyone really not know the answer to this? Dumb question but interesting what would happen before we all die
  [Main] Photoshop this librarian
  [Food] Despite rumors to the contrary, fish does indeed fry in the kitchen, and sometimes beans burn on the grill. Discuss; show your work, please